English Expression of the Week: get Your Money’s Worth

The Expression

this week’s expression is “get your money’s worth.” We use this expression to talk about things that we have bought or will buy.

The Meaning

This expression means that the money we pay for something is a good price. We use it to say that the value we receive is a good value compared to the amount of money we pay for a product or service.

If we use this expression, we are saying that we believe we are not paying too much money.

How do we use it

It is possible to use this expression in any tense. It is usually not used as a complete sentence except as a question, (get your money’s worth?) We can also use it with any pronoun. You will see this in the examples.

Easy Examples

Here are some easy examples to show you how to use this expression.

Did Rosa get her money’s worth from those English lessons?

Make sure you’re getting your money’s worth before you buy a new computer.

I really got my money’s worth this time.

Your Turn

Now it is your turn. to practice. When have you bought something and felt that you have gotten your money’s worth? Have you bought something and felt like you haven’t gotten your money’s worth? Leave a comment to tell me and practice using this expression. And watch the video for more examples.

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