The Forms of “get”

The Forms of “get”

My Wonderful Dog I got my big sweet dog a few years ago. Before that, I had only  gotten 1...

“Get,” the Little Verb That Does Everything

“Get,” the Little Verb That Does Everything

Beginning my day I often get up at 5:30 or 6:00AM. After some time, I get my dog fed, and...

English Expression of the Week: Take a Stab at

English Expression of the Week: Take a Stab at

The Expression The expression for this week is “take a stab at.” It is a phrasal verb like “try your...

English Expression of the Week: Give it a Shot

English Expression of the Week: Give it a Shot

The Expression The expression for this week is “give it a shot.” I am sure you have heard it in...

When I was Young: Using Past Simple Structures

When I was Young: Using Past Simple Structures

When I was Young When I was a young girl, I did not like pop music very much. I began...

English Expression of the Week: Test the Waters

English Expression of the Week: Test the Waters

The Expression The expression for this week is “test the waters.” It is not a phrasal verb, and it must...

Speak More Naturally by Keeping it Short

Speak More Naturally by Keeping it Short

The Situation Dave and Anne are colleagues who have known each other for a little while. They have become friends...

English Expression of the Week: Try Your Hand at

English Expression of the Week: Try Your Hand at

The Expression The expression for this week is “try your hand at.” In this case, the expression is actually a...

Stay Motivated with “Why”

Stay Motivated with “Why”

Is This You? Do you sometimes get frustrated because you are not motivated to learn English? Is it hard to...

Where did the H go: Deleting Sounds in English

Where did the H go: Deleting Sounds in English

Native Speech There are a lot of conversations about speaking in my classes. Students say that native speakers are hard...

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